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26 March 2011

Lindsay Lohan Is Dropping the 'Lohan'

When you hear the name "Lindsay," do you immediately think of the tabloid target and sometime-actress, or your co-worker/sister/friend who happens to have the same name?

"Lindsay" is a common moniker among young American women, and we know at least 20 Lindsays dating back from kindergarten; even so, Lindsay Lohan -- inarguably the most famous of them all -- is banking on being the one and only.

"Lindsay is dropping the Lohan and just going by Lindsay. Plus, me and (younger daughter) Ali will be officially changing our last names back to my maiden name, Sullivan," a dead serious Dina Lohan tells Popeater.

Apparently, the court-going star had been on the fence about dropping "Lohan" until the E-trade Super Bowl commercial in which a baby was referred to as "that milkaholic Lindsay."

Talk about name recognition. That being said, "Lindsay" does not have the same unique power as "Oprah," "Madonna," "Cher" or "Beyonce." Then again, only a handful of people around the world can say, "Hi, my name is Beyonce."

"Now you can add Lindsay to that list," says a Lohan pal. "And it's a way for them all to start over. No one in the family wants anything to do with Lindsay's father (Michael Lohan) anymore and that includes sharing a last name."

We can't argue with that. As you might recall, Papa Lohan -- no stranger to brushes with the law -- was arrested for striking ex-girlfriend Kate Major.

Meanwhile, Lohan herself might want some distance from her own infamous problems: the former "Mean Girls" phenom, now virtually unhirable in Hollywood, will soon stand trial for felony grand theft after rejecting a plea deal that involved jail time.

If Lohan -- excuse us, Lindsay -- removes her notorious last name, she'll erase some family heritage dating back to County Cork in Ireland.

Still, it will haunt her forever: The Internet has a long memory, and "Lohan" headlines stretch back some seven years. We feel worse for the all the world's Lindsays whose identities will practically be stolen by an alleged celebrity jewelry thief

[Source :]

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