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24 March 2011

80-year old woman and teenage grandson rescued, 9 days after Japan tsunami (Video)

An 80-year-old woman and her teenage grandson have been rescued on Sunday, March 20, 2011, as shown in the video below, 9 days after the earthquake-tsunami hit Japan.

According to NHK TV, Miyagi Prefecture Police have rescued 2 people in Ishinomaki City and were lifted immediately to a Red Cross hospital via helicopter on Sunday.

Apparently, Jin Abe, 16 years old, was seen in the roof top of their collapsed home and was swept away by the tsunami, in which electricity and telephone line have been cut off.

His 80-year old grandmother named Sumi Abe, had trouble in walking, while the teenage boy was also suffering from hypothermia, or very low body temperature.

During the rescue, the old woman said they were able to eat what’s left inside their refrigerator and that she was not hurt when the twin disaster arrived.

As of this 6 p.m. Sunday (Tokyo time), there are 8,277 confirmed casualties reported by the National Police Agency, while 12,722 people are being unaccounted for.

[Source :]

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