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24 March 2011

Debbie Reynolds Glad Elizabeth Taylor Is Not in Pain Anymore

Debbie Reynolds, longtime friend and rival actress to Elizabeth Taylor, said she is glad Taylor is not feeling pain anymore and is in a better place.

Taylor died Wednesday at the age of 79 from complications of congestive heart failure. She spent her life acting and making a name for herself through her talent and personal life.

Reynolds talked to Taylor two weeks ago and said she was in a lot of pain. When Reynolds told Taylor to hang in there, she said “I’m really trying, I’m really trying.”

Taylor’s films include “National Velvet,” “Cleopatra,” and “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?,” one of the two films for which she won an Oscar. She married eight times to seven men, including Reynolds’ husband, Eddie Fisher.

Debbie Reynolds  - Taylor & Reynolds 1957A 1957 photo of (from left to right) Mike Todd, his wife, actress Elizabeth Taylor, Eddie Fisher and his wife Debbie Reynolds, most likely at the Royal Ascot, Great Britain.

“We were friends since we were 17,” Reynolds told Access Hollywood in a television interview. “Elizabeth was always a young, great star. We had a lot of fun together. I was at her wedding with Mike Todd and went through all different turbulent times and even gave her my husband for goodness sake!”

[Source :]

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