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14 May 2011

I am a 20 year old girl that can't have sex

I will warn you up front. This is a little graphic and goes into quite a bit of detail.

This is a problem that has plagued me my whole life. It goes far beyond not being able to have sex. We realized there was a problem when I was around 5. I would complain of itching, burning, and sharp pains that were sometimes so bad I couldn't even sleep. I went to the doctor and he sent me to a gynecologist. It turns out I had a imperforate hymen but he just gave me some cream and said that would ease the discomfort and that I'd grow out of it. It felt better for awhile but then in 5th grade the pain came back and this time it was unbearable. I had to skip school some days because of it and so we went back to the gynecologist. He said that I had ripped the hymen somehow and it had caused my skin to become inflamed. I was given medication again but this time it didn't help. I was given cortisone creams but all they did was cause yeast infections. I got into middle school and in 7th grade ended up going on birth control to see if upping my estrogen levels would do any good. Slightly but it still hurt. Then something happened that would take my problems to a whole new level. The summer before 8th grade I was raped and I have never felt anything like that before. It was beyond brutal. I'd broken bones and they didn't even come close to hurting as much as that did. And the pain continued there after. Throughout high school, I had only 2 real boyfriends. With the first one, I had been with him about 10 months and at 15 I was in puppy love and agreed to having sex with him. I had thought that it only hurt so bad because it was my first time and that this wouldn't feel like that. Well not only did it feel like he was trying to shove knives into me, we couldn't even get it in. I go to the gynecologist again and he says I have a growth that needs to be surgically removed. After the surgery, I had 6 weeks recovery time and we tried again but I still couldn't. The next guy, we've been together 6 months. I'm 17 and thinking I can go through with it and I really want to. Things start out okay but then after about 2 minutes he pulls out because he saw the tears in my eyes and could tell I was holding back screaming. I'll wrap the next 3 years up. I was diagnosed with a very severe case of lichen sclerosus and vulvodynia. No cream or medication has ever worked. I just kind of gave up. I turn 21 this year though and I want to be able to have a normal sex life. But MAINLY I just want to get rid of this skin disease cause I'm really tired of putting up with being in pain. Does anyone else have this problem or know anyone with it? It's rare for someone to have a case as severe as mine but if anyone has any info on how to finally get rid of this, I'd be eternally grateful.

TL; DR I have a very severe case of lichen sclerosus(non contagious skin disease) and no doctor has ever been able to cure it.

EDIT: I am not looking for sympathy, although for those who have already posted, I do very much appreciate it. I am looking for answers that could help me control or even cure this problem. I am not just on a sex mission. That is just a problem I have encountered in the past and know I will encounter again. For those who have posted their stories and basically to all of you that have contributed, thank you very much! Y'all have been a HUGE help :)

[Source :]

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